We educate children through quality school lunches.

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For parents, our diners and potential clients

Please use our smart form to communicate with us quickly. You will usually receive a reply to your question, request or message within a few hours. Filling in all the required information will speed up the identification process and enable us to deal with your request faster.

  • 1 Current Customer identification
  • 2 Identification of the establishment
  • 3 Request
  • 4 Completion
Your child dines at a Scolarest facility, or we have a business relationship
Would you like to inquire about catering services at your school?

For the media and corporate cooperation

The contact details listed below are for media requests, business communication and tender-related matters. Please use our smart form to deal with individual diner requests.

Primirest – zařízení školního stravování spol. s r.o.

Jankovcova 1603/47a

170 00 Praha 7

IČ: 25607341, DIČ: CZ25607341

DIČ skupiny pro DPH: CZ699002587