We are the School Canteen of 2024
Primirest is the first ever winner of the School Canteen of the Year (Školní jídelna roku) competition, which is organized by the Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech Republic (AKC - Asociace kuchařů a cukrářů ČR). We received the highest professional rating in the school catering category.
Chef Šárka Svatošová from our school restaurant Bzenec and her sous chef Martin Váňa reached the winning goal. Brand Chef Primirest Tomáš Cikhart took care of the technical support and their support during the competition.A huge congratulations goes to the whole team - we are proud of them, they fully deserved the 1st. place in the 2024 AKC School Canteen competition. The Primirest team was able to turn culinary talent, courage and creativity into a big victory.
Primirest once again confirmed that our talented chefs cook not only tasty, healthy, economical, but also nutritionally balanced and creative with attention to every detail. They also care about attractive serving. It is not just about quality of raw materials or their processing in the spirit of zero waste. Modern and sustainable school meals must satisfy the increasingly demanding wishes of our boarders.
For all our not only competitive successes, we owe it to you - our guests and diners, parents, clients and supporters - whether new or long-standing loyal ones. It is you who drive us forward and inspire us to improve our gastronomic services. We greatly appreciate your support and hope that we will continue to be a reliable school canteen that you love.
PS: Psst, we have adapted the meals of the winning Primirest menu to the standard operation of our school kitchens and diners will taste them in September 2024.